Wozwers!! Heat Three raises the bar again for local talent creating a great buzz in the region’s musical landscape.
The winner of Heat Three was Adam Evans – fresh out of music college with a huge amount of passion and energy to pump into a fabulous solo act that was worthy of reaching a slot in the final. It’s always hard for a solo act to compete against bands in a heat, however Adam managed to impress the judges with his soulful on point voice, and emotional lyrics to get their votes.

Other bands in this tough Heat Three included:
The 07s – an amazing trio who had fantastic youthful energy and charisma to get the crowd jumping from the first note. A level of simplicity to their songs which gave their indie rock sounds a fun vibe with some great guitar sounds. The drummer came out to play the guitar for one song, a song he had written himself and it was awesome. The singer had one of those voices which wasn’t always in tune, however his tone, manner and vibe made it completely perfect for this group – they were excellent!

Helix – a four-piece indie rock band who blew the roof off with the noise they were making! The musicianship was fantastic from each player and they were tight as a band. It was awesome to see the bass guitar being played properly and this really gave them extra depth. Plenty of charisma on the stage and these guys looked like they were having a lot of fun. The lead is still exploring his voice yet they have huge potential.

Name Loading – something different for the competition which just shows the variety and scope of the talent in the region. Although not the traditional band route, Name Loading has been in the background for a number of years mixing great tracks which provides high energy, audience jumping tracks that liven up any environment.

Headliners were The Interesting Times Gang who are a five-piece giving the audience something interesting and different with their dreamy, psychedelic, out of this world style of pop!

Heat Three of BurySOUND 2024 was immense!
Photo Credit: Derek Mitchell @hagglephotos