Yippee! It’s that time of year for Theatre In The Forest with Red Rose Chain – always a must on the list of things to do over the summer holidays. Back at the incredible Sutton Hoo, this year’s performance is Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale:
Leontes, the King of Sicilia and Polixenes, the King of Bohemia are long term best buddies and have a great relationship until Leontes starts to get jealous and accuses his pregnant wife, Hermione, of having an affair with Polixenes. Leontes orders Camillo to poison Polixenes, but instead Camillo tells him of the plan and they both escape and flee to Bohemia. Leontes throws Hermoine in prison, she gives birth to a daughter which the King doesn’t believe is his and orders the baby to be abandoned somewhere isolated. Of course the abandoned baby is found by shepherds and look after her. Meanwhile the King’s sickly son dies and a heartbroken Hermione ……let’s stop there, basically it’s another full on romantic tragedy by Shakespeare full of twists, turns, paranoia, jealousy, death, but it does end happily when the baby daughter has grown and falls in love with Polixenes’ son and everyone is back to happy, even Hermione appears again.
And don’t forget the bear.

It’s another crazy Shakespeare play which Red Rose Chain theatre group bring to life in their most unique way. Their exuberant passion for performing grabs your attention from the moment the first grin is made. It’s as though they feed off the smiles from the audience, having the most joyous meal which they want to feast on forever.
The setting, the stage and the use of props is unique, the clever puppet depicting the young boy and of course the full sized bear which made an entrance….and exit.

Red Rose Chain create a warm atmosphere that embraces you and draws you in to enjoy Shakespeare. Not only do they act with huge amounts of talent , they embrace their characters, and often each actor playing more than one, the adaptation includes singing, dancing, ad libs and funny jokes which keeps the audience delighted.
There is never a Red Rose Chain performance without a little audience participation or an unexpected surprise so expect something to happen.
A superb evening and highly recommended.
Cast: Vincent Moisy, Emily Jane Kerr, Jack Spencer, Ailis Duff, Rei Mordue, Ellie Smith, Ted Newborn, Joseph Russell.
Red Rose Chain