The Showman – Derren Brown

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How Derren Brown does his show is unfathomable!

It’s a thought-provoking, mind-blowing show which certainly does not short change you on time…although the time goes quickly as it’s so enthralling. Having a big name performing for a long show certainly makes you feel it is value for money, let alone the entertainment value.

Derren Brown has talents for his ‘tricks’ which leave you gasping with disbelief and completely wondering how? To my mind, there is seemingly no plausible explanation that I can come up with, except witchcraft!!

This show includes plenty of audience participation, therefore if you do not want the risk of getting on stage then stay firmly in your seat. It doesn’t matter where you sit in the theatre as there is an on-stage camera therefore when any close-up tricks are performed the images are projected on the screen, not only do you not miss anything, it just adds to the flabbergasting nature of what is achieved.

The hypnotist tricks I can generally understand although he still manages to put a twist in there to make you think and the mind reading parts of the show are ridiculous. There are moments where his voice resonates around the theatre and there is utter silence in the audience as we are captivated.

Behind all the tricks and performances there is an underlying theme of connections and being mindful of what is important in life. Derren isn’t a ‘showman’ as he is warm, friendly and he takes us through a journey of things he is passionate about.

I can’t give any spoilers away, it’s a show you have to go and see for yourself and be wowed by.

This review was published on GrapevineLIVE


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